Medicine Buddha

$ 750.00

This statue was consecrated by Anyen Rinpoche and blessed by His Holiness Sakya Trichen. Anyen Rinpoche personally selected our 8 inch, fully gilded statues from the statue maker in Nepal. 

Filled and consecrated statues are very hard to come by in the West. We follow the traditional method to prepare all statues for filling and consecration. First, the interiors of the statues are gently cleaned and painted. Then, they are filled with sok shing, mantras, and sacred substances in the authentic manner still used in Tibet today. The substances and statutes are “accomplished” through a ritual practice and tsok, then consecrated during a ritual practice during the Rigdzin Dupa Drupchod. We are so lucky that all of these practices and sacred work are performed or overseen directly by Anyen Rinpoche and Allison Choying Zangmo. 

Statues will be shipped shortly following the conclusion of Rigdzin Dupa Drupchod, August 8-17, 2024, as the statues will remain on the shrine throughout the retreat to absorb the profound blessings of the drupchod. We will notify you when the statues ship or you can pick them up in person.

As always, all proceeds from your purchase supports practices and programs at Orgyen Khandroling.

Height: 8 inches. Weight: approx. 4 lbs.

Price includes the $175 consecration fee. Tax is also included in the price of this item. Shipping to you is calculated at checkout.

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